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Huge Medicare & SS Changes Afoot


October 28.  Welcome, to this week's issue . Should  you ever want to unsubscribe to this newsletter you can use this link to manage your subscription(s) .

We don't think we have ever seen a week with this many importantdevelopments concerning Social Security and Medicare. The changes being discussed in Washington could have a major impact on your finances! See below for more.

Social Security expert Laurence Kotlikoff estimates that the popular File and Suspend strategy is worth $50,000 to millions of couples. But a portion of the current Budget bill in Congress would not only eliminate that strategy for future claimants, it would end the practice in 6 months for current participants. Read on formore...

Located just west of lovely Stuart on Florida's east coast, Palm City is definitely a retirement center. The average age is 49 and it seems like there dozens of active developments and neighborhoods to choose from.

For the third time in history there will be no COLA adjustment in 2016. But the even bigger news is that Medicare premiums for an estimated 30% of recipients could jump 52% next year!

T'is the season - for Medicare and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) enrollment. You have until either Dec. 7 or 15 to sign up, modify your existing plan, or get new coverage.  Read these critical reasons why you can't afford not to look at your plan during this period.
We see enough comments from our Members and visitors to realize that many of you have very specific wants when it comes to finding your best place to retire.  Using our Advanced Search feature you can find places in each state that offerspecific amenities, types of housing, community size, winter/summer temps, etc. Try it, you might be pleasantly surprised.
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